'Negotiation Norms Continuous Behavior'
(AsPredicted #55813)
This pre-registration is currently anonymous to enable blind peer-review.
It has 3 authors.
Pre-registered on
01/13/2021 03:46 PM (PT)
1) Have any data been collected for this study already?No, no data have been collected for this study yet.
2) What's the main question being asked or hypothesis being tested in this study? Do boys and girls have the same or different perceptions of negotiation norms? What factors (differentially) predict boys’ and girls’ negotiation behavior?
3) Describe the key dependent variable(s) specifying how they will be measured. We will measure children’s:
* hypothetical behavior: “How many candies would you ask for?” open ended, numeric response
* utility of negotiation: “How many candies do you think your teacher would give you?” open ended, numeric (coded as a proportion of hypothetical behavior); “How many candies do you think your teacher will give you for spending that hour, a few weeks weeks from now, cleaning the classroom?” open ended, numeric (coded as a proportion of hypothetical behavior)
And children’s perceptions of negotiating for 2/5/10/20/50 candies:
* anticipated backlash: “What if you asked for [X] candies? Would [he/she] like you less than before or the same as before?” and “What if you asked for [X] candies? Would [he/she] be annoyed or not mind?”
* descriptive norms of negotiation: “How many candies do you think most kids ask for? Do you think most kids ask for about 2 candies? 5 candies? 10 candies? 20 candies? or 50 candies?”
* prescriptive norms of negotiation: “What if the child asked for [X] candies? Do you think that would be okay or not okay?”, “Do you think that would be rude or not rude?”, “Do you think this child deserves [X] candies or does not deserve [X] candies?”
4) How many and which conditions will participants be assigned to? There will be 2 between subject conditions: male and female teachers with whom the participants will imagine negotiating.
5) Specify exactly which analyses you will conduct to examine the main question/hypothesis. First, we will use separate regressions to investigate whether children’s hypothetical behavior, utility, anticipated backlash, descriptive norms and prescriptive norms of negotiation differ by participants’ gender, age, condition, and all possible interactions.
Second, children’s perceptions of negotiation (utility, backlash, descriptive norm, prescriptive norm) will be included along with their gender, age, condition, and all possible interactions in separate regressions predicting their behavior (one regression per perception variable).
We will run contrast analyses to unpack any interactions in the regressions above.
6) Describe exactly how outliers will be defined and handled, and your precise rule(s) for excluding observations. * We will exclude any participants whose parents tell them how to respond or otherwise interfere with the session.
* Because data will be collected over the online platform Zoom, we will also exclude participants whose sessions encountered major technical issues (e.g., sound level, connectivity issues).
* Participants who do not finish the study (for technical or other reasons) will not be included in the analyses.
* We may exclude children who request a number of candies that is above or below 3 standard deviations for the mean of the entire sample.
7) How many observations will be collected or what will determine sample size?
No need to justify decision, but be precise about exactly how the number will be determined. We will collect data from 128 children after exclusions. Following recommendations in Lakens (2014), we will use a sequential analysis approach. If the effects are smaller than anticipated and there are no significant differences on our measures of interest at N = 128, we will do a one-time 50% sample size increase to 192. The alpha value for statistical significance at the first examination (i.e., after 128 participants) will be .0333 and, if applicable, after the one time increase to 192 the alpha will be .0303. These values were determined using an overall two-sided alpha of .05 and a linear spending function with two time points.
8) Anything else you would like to pre-register?
(e.g., secondary analyses, variables collected for exploratory purposes, unusual analyses planned?) We will also measure children’s “real” negotiation behavior at the very end of the sessions. Children will be led to believe that they are talking on the phone to the experimenter’s “boss” and requesting a bonus (funny animal pictures) from the boss. Children will be randomly assigned to negotiate with a female or a male boss. We will test whether children’s real (vs. hypothetical, as above) negotiation behavior is predicted by their gender, age, and the boss’s gender. We will additionally include children's perceptions of negotiation to see how they relate to children's real behavior.
We will also collect demographic data such as children’s race/ethnicity. We may test whether individual children’s decisions to negotiate and perceptions of negotiation are moderated by any of these demographic factors.
At the end of the sessions, we will ask children whether they like candy (the resource being negotiated for in the hypothetical scenarios). Children’s responses to this question will be included as a moderator in the analyses with children’s negotiation behavior as a DV. We will also analyze children’s negotiation behavior separately for the subset of children who report liking candy.
Version of AsPredicted Questions: 2.00